Software User Manual - Argos 3D-P320
Last change: 2 February 2016
Version 0.14
© Bluetechnix 2016
Page 25 | 70
Debug UART
Using the Debug UART is optional.
The Argos 3D-P320 features a debug UART, which is the primary debug interface for the boot loader as well
as the Linux kernel.
The Debug UART is available via a micro-USB-connector, with a UART-to-USB converter behind. To be able
to access the serial terminal via the Debug UART, you need an appropriate driver installed in your OS for the
FTDI FT234 device.
Windows OS Device Driver Download
Most Linux distributions come with an appropriate driver and create a device node
Additionally, one needs a serial terminal emulator, e.g., Minicom or C-Kermit for Linux, or TeraTerm for
Windows OS. The emulator has to be configured with the following settings:
Baud rate
Data bits
Stop bits
Flow control none
Table 3-28: Debug UART settings
The Debug UART also allows to log in to the camera’s Linux OS. Please see chapter 3.9 for the default login
and how to change it.