BLANKOM HDE-(4)264B/265B User Manual
Version 1.1 – 02-2019
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techn. data are subject to change w/o notice!
The device is giving popup hints for settings of different ranges in
different modes/protocols and codecs used
You’ll get a hint if the values are not corresponding:
If you need ONVIF:
Audio Level can be decreased or increased:
Preview Feature in Status Page:
The until now not described nice feature of this B- Versions is the possiblity to directly see your encoded
Mainstream in the Web-IF by html5:
This works actually only with h.264 encoders because the HEVC h.265 codec isn’t part of the HLS Apple
protocol for html5 we are using here. The settings to enable the preview are slightly tricky:
Step1: In Extended – Settings you need to enable HLS: