BLANKOM HDE-(4)264B/265B User Manual
Version 1.1 – 02-2019
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techn. data are subject to change w/o notice!
Scheduled restart interval adjustment:
The devcice can also be forced to reboot periodically to swing into new in- and output circumstances -like if
the network is periodically interrupted (i.e. by DSL Router or ISP disconnection over night) - you can
program a scheduled task for restarting every 0…200 hours.
If you change some settings in particular for the encodings, and press SETUP/Modification, a popup
message will appear:
Please confirm this. And may be this
Software update:
Self-explaining isn't it? The filename must be
and must be selected from you PC/Laptop, than
start the upload. A reboot will be necessary after this finished Upload -see above menu item.
Flashing the wrong firmware will probably cause the device to not be able to start any more. So
it is highly recommended to ask us before.
Encoder Settings
The Encoder is designed to safe its own CPU and RAM resources to not beeing overloaded by highest
settings applying. So the MAIN Stream support encoding (even upscaling) to 2160p30 !