CHAPTER 5: Troubleshooting
If the affected CPU is running DOS or Windows 3.x,
don’t press the reset button if the CPU doesn’t have a
mouse driver loaded. Resetting the Spectra will cause the
mouse to send data to the CPU, and many DOS/early
Windows CPUs will crash if they receive unexpected
mouse data. (CPUs running UNIX
or later versions of
Windows don’t have this problem.) If either of your
CPUs is susceptible to these kinds of crashes, and you
have chronic problems when you try to run applications
that don’t use the mouse but don’t disable the mouse
either, take these precautions:
• If you never actually use a mouse with that CPU,
either don’t plug the mouse strand of the CPU-
Extension Cable into the CPU’s mouse port, or
don’t load a mouse driver at all. If you do use the
mouse, are running Windows 3.x, and sometimes
exit to DOS, make sure you load a DOS mouse
driver before running Windows.
Advanced users:
If you’ve loaded a DOS mouse driver
and are going to use an application that disables the
PS/2 mouse, first REM out any statements in your
startup files (AUTOEXEC.BAT, etc.) that load the
mouse driver, then reboot the computer to remove
the mouse driver from memory. (Having the mouse
driver unload itself doesn’t do the job.)