The previous name of this rule was Certificate Authority Type.
Default value
The default certification authority type is Microsoft® Enterprise.
Minimum requirements
Java® based BlackBerry device
BlackBerry® Device Software version 5.0
BlackBerry® Enterprise Server version 5.0
Common Name Components IT policy rule
This rule specifies the information that appears in the common name of the certificate that the certification authority issues to
a user.
The options are User Name, BlackBerry® Device PIN, and Local Email Address.
Default value
The default value is User Name and BlackBerry Device PIN.
If you select the Local Email Address option, the certification authority adds the user name from the email address to the common
name, but not the at sign (@) or domain information.
If you change the Certification Authority Type rule to Microsoft® Enterprise certification authority, and the Microsoft certification
authority uses a template to build the subject name of the certificate from the Microsoft® Active Directory®, a BlackBerry device
does not use this rule.
Minimum requirements
Java® based BlackBerry device
BlackBerry® Device Software version 5.0
BlackBerry® Enterprise Server version 5.0
Custom Microsoft Certification Authority Certificate Template IT policy rule
This rule specifies a custom certificate template for the Microsoft® enteprise certification authority.
The previous name of this rule was Custom Microsoft Certificate Authority Certificate Template.
Default value
Policy Reference Guide
Certification Authority Profile policy group