The default value is 1.
Change this rule to 1 to permit a BlackBerry device that is running BlackBerry MDS Runtime version 1.1 or later to communicate
with all versions of the BlackBerry MDS Integration Service.
Change this rule to 2 to permit a BlackBerry device that is running BlackBerry MDS Runtime version 1.1 or later to communicate
with BlackBerry MDS Integration Service version 4.1 SP2 or later only.
Minimum requirements
Java® based BlackBerry device
BlackBerry® Application Suite version 1.0
BlackBerry® Device Software version 4.2
BlackBerry® Enterprise Server version 4.0 SP6
Queue Limit for Inbound Application Messages IT policy rule
This rule specifies the maximum number of incoming messages from BlackBerry® MDS Runtime that can be queued locally on
a BlackBerry device. The permitted range is 0 through 1000 messages.
Default value
The default value is 8 messages.
Minimum requirements
Java® based BlackBerry device
BlackBerry® Device Software version 4.5
BlackBerry® Enterprise Server version 5.0
Queue Limit for Outbound Application Messages IT policy rule
This rule specifies the number of outgoing messages from BlackBerry® MDS Runtime that can be queued locally on a BlackBerry
device. The permitted range is 0 through 1000 messages.
Default value
The default value is 16 messages.
Minimum requirements
Java® based BlackBerry device
BlackBerry® Device Software version 4.5
BlackBerry® Enterprise Server version 5.0
Policy Reference Guide
MDS Integration Service policy group