This rule is obsolete for Java® based BlackBerry devices that are running BlackBerry® Device Software version 4.0 or later and
C++ based BlackBerry devices that are running BlackBerry Device Software version 2.7.
Minimum requirements
C++ based BlackBerry device that is running BlackBerry Device Software version 2.5
Java based BlackBerry device that is running BlackBerry Device Software version 3.6
BlackBerry® Application Suite version 1.0
BlackBerry® Connect™ version 1.2, 2.0, 2.1, or 4.0
BlackBerry® Enterprise Server version 3.5
The BlackBerry® Enterprise Server for Novell® GroupWise® supports this rule only for Java based BlackBerry devices that are
running BlackBerry Device Software version 4.0 or later.
Global items
Allow Browser IT policy rule
This rule specifies whether the BlackBerry® Browser is available on a BlackBerry device.
Default value
The default value is Yes.
This rule does not affect other browsers such as the WAP browser.
For more information about the browser configurations that are available on a BlackBerry device, see the Browser policy group.
Minimum requirements
C++ based BlackBerry device that is running BlackBerry® Device Software version 2.5
Java® based BlackBerry device that is running BlackBerry Device Software version 3.6
BlackBerry® Application Suite version 1.0
BlackBerry® Connect™ versions 1.2, 2.0, 2.1, or 4.0 (internal)
BlackBerry® Enterprise Server version 3.5 for Microsoft® Exchange, BlackBerry® Enterprise Server version 4.0 for IBM®
Lotus® Domino®, or BlackBerry® Enterprise Server version 4.0 for Novell® GroupWise®
The BlackBerry Enterprise Server for Novell GroupWise supports this rule only for Java based BlackBerry devices that are running
BlackBerry Device Software version 4.0 or later.
Policy Reference Guide
Global items