PQ-8P, PQ-8S
Command Pass-Thru may change
the horizontal spacing.
Although the command is
displayed on the screen, the PQ-8
treats it as a command and does not
print it. If part of the sequence is
printed, an error has been made
entering the codes. Check the
document and make sure the correct
format and EBCDIC hexadecimal
characters are being used.
Avoid sending codes that would
move the print position during
Command Pass-Thru. Since the PQ-8
does not process these commands, it
cannot keep track of the print
position changes. This may affect the
position of characters that follow the
command and the page layout.
6.2 User-Defined Strings
To avoid keying in frequently used
printer commands (which would
appear in the document as hex
values imbedded in Command Pass-
Thru delimiters), you should take
advantage of the User-Defined
Strings feature.
Using Host/PC download
command 04, assign the numbers 0
through 9 to frequently used printer
command strings.
After a command string has been
defined, activate it by typing the
delimiter (&% or alternate CPT start
delimiter) followed by the string
number (U0 through U9) into the
document or on the screen. When
the document or screen is printed,
the PQ-8 will recognize the &%U
and send the command assigned to
the string number to the printer.
For example, if command number
U1 is assigned to a command string
to turn on shadowed printing (hex
codes 1B 28 73 31 32 38 53) for a
Lexmark 4039 printer, then simply
enter &%U1 in the document at the
point where shadow printing is to
Some commands (such as
emphasized (bold) printing) may
continue until another string is
encountered that returns printing to
normal, or for some host systems,
until the next page is sent to the
The PQ-8 self-test prints out a list
of command numbers and the
command strings assigned to them.