PQ-8P, PQ-8S
4.2.2 S
All configuration parameters not
already covered through configu-
ration switches can be changed
through the setup software. Before
configuring the PQ-8, you should
print a self-test. A self-test printout
shows all active configuration
settings. Refer to this printout to
determine which parameters may
need to be changed through the
setup software. To run this software,
attach a PC or LAN printer server to
the parallel sharing (PQ-8P) or to
the serial sharing port (PQ-8S).
A printer must be connected
to the PQ-8 and in “Ready”
mode in order for the PQ-8 to
receive data from any of the
Start your PC and go to the DOS
prompt. Insert the setup software
into the PC. At the DOS prompt,
type A:SETUP and press Enter. The
setup program will appear on the
screen. Follow the instructions
shown on the screen.
4.3 Host/PC Download Commands
By sending download commands
from the Host/PC to the PQ-8, you
can change all configuration
parameters not already covered
through the configuration switches.
Most Host/PC download
commands are placed in a Host
/PC document or on the screen.
Regardless of whether the incoming
print job is a screen print, a
spreadsheet, or a word-processing
document created on either the host
or PC, the PQ-8 will recognize the
Host/PC download command.
The command itself will not be
printed if it was entered correctly. If
any part of the command is printed,
the PQ-8 did not recognize the
command because of a problem in
the format. Check the syntax of the
command and send the command
Most Host/PC download
commands sent to the PQ-8 take
effect immediately and stay only in
the PQ-8’s active memory. To save
the changed configuration beyond
a power off, Host/PC download
command Z99,0 must be sent.
Tip: Save the Host/PC download
commands in a separate file. If you
need to re-configure the PQ-8 at
a later time, or if you need to
configure more than one PQ-8, just
“print” the file containing the
Host/PC download commands.