This type of protocol is especially useful for managing the signals
constantly being sent between devices. This is the only protocol
used for PCs.
Xon/Xoff only—The software handshake (Xon/Xoff) will not output
data when it receives a Control S (XOFF). It resumes sending data when
it receives a Control Q (XON). This is crucial for managing data flow
between two devices, so that data does not overflow the buffer and
become lost.
None—The output control wire remains HIGH and the input control line
is ignored. Select this for cables that do not supply Data Terminal Ready
(pin 20).
—Parity is a technique used to ensure error-free data transmission
between two devices. Parity involves altering the last bit (bit 8) of a data byte
to determine the accuracy of the other 7 bits. Bits can either be 0 (low signal)
or 1 (high signal). The parity option gives you a choice of four techniques to
use. Most devices do not use a parity technique, so the default is
—The 8th bit is a 0 if the number of 1s in the first 7 bits equals
an odd number.
—The 8th bit is a 0 if the number of 1s in the first 7 bits equals
an even number.
—The 8th bit is always a 1 (high).
—None specifies that the 8th bit is always a 0 (low), and
Space means that the 8th bit is ignored. These two techniques are
combined, since some devices do not use parity but still require a
particular value for the 8th data bit. In this case, the value is 0 (low).
Start of Job Message (SOJ)
—A string of characters sent to a port (such as a
printer) as soon as a connection is made. The SOJ message is often used for
printer setup, printer emulation setup, or to print a banner page identifying
the source of the print job.
Stop Bits
—Stop bits are set to 1,
1-1/2, or 2. Default is 1.
Strobe Size
—Strobe Size is a value for a hardware signal that is sent to a
printer. This value depends on the strobe value that the printer will accept
and the length of cable between the Ethernet Print Server and printer.
This value may need to be changed if you are having problems printing.
The default is 1. If you have problems printing, change this field to a
higher value. Check your printer’s Owner’s Manual for details.