Wizard DP Extender
724-746-5500 | blackbox.com
Page 32
4. Configuration
4.1 Performing an upgrade
Wizard DP Extender units are flash upgradeable using the method outlined here. The same upgrade file is used to upgrade both
the transmitter and receiver units (although they are upgraded individually).
Warning: During the upgrade process, ensure that power is not interrupted as this may leave the unit in an inopera-
ble state.
1 Download the upgrade file from the Black Box website.
2 Connect the supplied serial cable between your computer and the Options port of the Wizard DP Extender unit to be upgraded.
3 Use a narrow implement (e.g. a straightened-out paper clip) to press-and-hold the recessed reset button on the front panel
until the indicators begin pulsing.
4 With the unit in download mode, transfer the upgrade file using an XMODEM file transfer via any terminal emulator program.
Use the following settings: 115200 baud, 8 bit word, no parity, 1 stop bit (8N1) and no flow control.
5 Upon completion of the download, the unit will begin to upgrade its stored firmware. Once this process has completed the
unit will reboot itself and begin to operate with the new firmware.
Use a straightened-out
paper clip to press and
hold the reset button
until the front panel
indicators respond