Adapter from serial mouse to Extender
DB9 male at
DB9 male at
mouse end
Extender end
2 (RD)
3 (TD)
3 (TD)
2 (RD)
4 (DTR)
6 (DSR)
5 (SGND)
5 (SGND)
6 (DSR)*
4 (DTR)*
7 (RTS)
8 (CTS)
8 (CTS)*
7 (No connection)*
*These leads/signals are not actually used, but they are included in this recommended
pinout so that the adapter will work no matter which way it’s plugged in.
Cable from CPU’s serial port to Extender for serial-printer applications
DB9 female at
DB9 male at
CPU end
Extender end
2 (RD)
2 (RD)
3 (TD)
3 (TD)
4 (DTR)
4 (DTR)
5 (SGND)
5 (SGND)
6 (DSR)
6 (DSR)
8 (CTS)
8 (CTS)
Cable from serial printer to Extender
DB25 male at
DB9 male at
printer end
Extender end
2 (TD)
3 (TD)
3 (RD)
2 (RD)
5 (CTS)
8 (CTS)
6 (DSR)
6 (DSR)
7 (SGND)
5 (SGND)
20 (DTR)
4 (DTR)