5.7 Keyboard Control: Hotkey Commands
You can control several functions on the ServSwitch Wizard Multimedia KVM
Extender—including CPU selection, screen blanking, locking, and entering
configuration mode—from the keyboard, using commands triggered with the
Extender’s currently selected hotkey combination. All of the hotkey-control
commands are invoked by holding down the one or two hotkeys and then pressing
a command key. By default, the two hotkeys are [Ctrl] and [Alt], but you can
change to any of six other combinations by setting positions 6 through 8 of the DIP
switch on the Extender’s Unit B (see
Section 4.2.1
Normally, when you send a hotkey command, you have to release the hotkeys
and the command key before you can send another one. The one exception to this
rule is {Hotkeys} + [Tab], the “switch to the other CPU” command; you can “tab
back and forth” between the CPUs by holding down the hotkeys and repeatedly
pressing [Tab].
The hotkey commands are summarized below. Note that to generate the
numeric digits in the commands that contain them, you need to press the number
keys on the top row of the main section of the keyboard,
the number keys on
the keypad; the Extender will not recognize keypad numbers.
• Use {Hotkeys} + [1] to select the primary CPU (the one attached to Unit A). If
you issue this command at the primary station, you simply get normal access
(governed by the inactivity timeout) if the primary CPU is available, or video
or no access if it isn’t. If you issue this command from the local station, you get
access (the inactivity timer is turned off so that access can continue
indefinitely) if the primary CPU is available, or at least video access if it isn’t.
Section 5.5
• Use {Hotkeys} + [2]
at the primary station’s keyboard only
to select the local CPU
(the one attached to Unit B).
• Use {Hotkeys} + [Tab]
at the primary station’s keyboard only
to switch to the other
CPU (the primary CPU if the local CPU is selected, or the local CPU if the
primary CPU is selected).
• Use {Hotkeys} + [0] to select nonexistent “CPU zero.” This causes the attached
Extender Unit to (a) stop lighting its CPU LEDs, (b) disable keyboard and
mouse input to any CPU (although Extender commands will still work), and
(c) shut off the video output to the attached monitor. (Be aware that this will
cause some monitors to go into standby mode or shut themselves off.) If you
were controlling the primary CPU before you did this, the Extender starts
counting down toward the inactivity timeout (even if you are at the local