5. When recipes call for a “lightly floured surface,” use about 1 to 2
tablespoons flour on the surface. You may want to lightly flour your fingers
or rolling pin for easy dough manipulation.
6. Recipes referring to a “greased/oiled” bowl call for about 1 tablespoon oil
or soft vegetable shortening spread on the bottom and sides of the bowl.
You may prefer to use a nonstick vegetable spray to “grease” the bowl to
cut down on added fats and calories. Place the ball of dough into the bowl
and turn it over so that the dough is lightly greased on all sides.
7. When you let dough “rest”, form the dough into a ball and place it on a
clean dry surface. Invert a large clean bowl over the dough and let it stand
as directed in your recipe. When you let dough “rise” according to recipe
directions, place it in a warm, draft-free area. For best results, cover the
bowl with a clean, dry towel. To produce a tender product, make sure the
dough rises until double in size.
8. Dough may be wrapped in plastic wrap and stored in a freezer for later use.
Bring the dough to room temperature before using.
9. Important to note that “RAPID BAKE” will make a denser loaf of bread.
• When recipes call for a “lightly floured surface,” use about 1 to 2
tablespoons flour on the surface. You may want to lightly flour your fingers
or rolling pin for easy dough handling.
• Recipes referring to a “greased/oiled” bowl call for about 1 tablespoon oil or
soft vegetable shortening spread on the bottom and sides of the bowl. You
may prefer to use a non-stick vegetable spray to “grease” the bowl to cut
down on added fats and calories.
• When you let dough “rest” and “rise” according to a recipe, place it in a
warm, draft-free area. For best results, cover the dough with waxed paper
and a clean, dry towel. If the dough does not double in size, it may not
produce a tender product.
• Dough may be wrapped in plastic and stored in a freezer for later use. Bring
the dough to room temperature before using.
Some ingredients differ between Canada and the United States. Cheese,
confectioner’s (icing) sugar and cornmeal are just a few ingredients that vary
between the two countries. The major difference is in flour.
Canadian flours are milled from harder wheats so breads can be successfully
made from national brands of both All-Purpose Flour and Bread Flour. U.S.
“All-Purpose Flour” will produce poor results and should not be used with this
unit. In the U.S., it is important to use “Bread Flour” for even-textured loaves.
Bread flour is processed from hard wheat and is high in the protein
substance called gluten. When mixed and kneaded, the gluten stretches
and incorporates air bubbles to produce a light, fine-textured loaf. The
stretchy resilience of gluten makes this kind of flour most tolerant to high
temperatures, altitude, or high humidity.
Canadian “All-Purpose Flour” is easy to find and has been extensively tested