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Document status: released
Operating Manual
rev. 01, 03.11.08
Sat Input
Shows RF total rms input power of SAT-IF input
If the input power is out of range, an input
warning will be generated and the showed value
may be not valid.
Shows the SAT OMI total rms.
If the el. input power or the selected gain is out of
range for a measureable OMI value, an input
warning will be generated and the showed value
may be not valid.
Output power
Shows optical output power level
TEC Current
Shows cooler current related to maximum
Laser Current
Shows laser current related to beginning-of-life value
Module Temperature
Shows internal temperature
+24V, +3.3V, +5V, +10V, -2.5V
Shows actual voltage of internal power supplies
Reg. State
Shows the regulation state of electrooptical modulator
For actualization of values just go back to the ES10/ES26 menu and enter again
Limits (limit values of above mentioned parameters for warning and for alarming state)
Parameters and order see “Parameters” menu
Properties (show device properties)
Hardware Rel.
Hardware release
Appl. Sw. Rel.
Application software release
Bootl. Sw. Rel.
Bootloader software release
Serial number
Serial number of manufacturing unit
Reset Device
Generates a reset of the transmitter device
Reset to Default Settings
Reset to factory adjustments
Change device's aliasname