BK Technologies
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Add Channel
Select to add a new channel.
Choose the zone to which the channel is to be added.
Enter a valid channel index number of 1-5000.
NOTE: To access channels above channel sixteen, the radio must be
programmed via PC for keypad channel select or “Channel Select”
must be assigned as a button or menu item.
Delete Channel
When selected the list of programmed zones is displayed. Choose the
zone of the channel you wish to delete.
Select the channel from the list.
Edit Channel
Select “Edit Channel” to change the programmable channel
Select the zone and channel to be edited.
Channel Label
Use the keypad to enter a label of up to sixteen characters.
(See keypad character table)
Rx Frequency
Enter a valid receive frequency in MHz. Frequencies must be
divisible by 1.25kHz.
Rx Mode
Select Analog, Digital or Mixed Mode.
Rx Guard
Analog or Mixed Mode Receive Channels Only
Select “Off” for analog signals to operate in carrier squelch mode.
Select “Tone” to enter a CTCSS tone,
Select “Digital” to enter a DCS value.
Use “INV” to invert a DCS tone.
Digital or Mixed Mode Receive Channels Only
Select “Enter” to program a receive NAC via the keypad.
Enter the desired value in hexadecimal (000 - FFF).