The semiconductor curve tracer displays a family
of dynamic characteristic curves for transistors,
FET's, diodes, Zener diodes, triacs, tunnel diodes and
all other semiconductor devices on the screen of an
oscilloscope. Most authorities agree that a dynamic
curve tracer is the best instrument for testing semi
conductors, since it simulates actual operating con
ditions of changing voltage and current. Some of
the characterististics
which may
be measured are
gain (beta), leakage, breakdown voltage, output ad
mittance, linearity, effects of capacitance and effects
of temperature.
When first introduced, semiconductor curve tracers
were primarily employed in engineering laborato
ries to select transistors with specific characteristics
for design applications. Later the instruments be
came widely used for sorting, inspecting and testing
semiconductors in production assembly and by tech
nicians for troubleshooting. The latest application
has been the discovery that curve tracers can be
used for troubleshooting without removing the semi-
conductor from the circuit. In addition, a semicon
ductor curve tracer offers several other servicing
matching characteristics, balanced
and/or complementary pairs may be selected.
Matching also allows sorting and selection of tran
sistors for substitution, resulting in an inventory
reduction of replacement parts.
An oscilloscope must be used in conjunction with
the curve tracer for the display. Almost any 3-inch
or larger general purpose oscilloscope is satisfactory
as long as it has external horizontal facilities, and
is DC coupled. The B & K Models 1440, 1460 and
1465 Oscilloscopes are ideal companions for the
Model SOJA Curve Tracer. A graticule overlay for
the oscilloscope screen and built-in calibration sig
nals from the curve tracer makes the unit complete.
The special 3-tip probe supplied with the unit
simplifies in-circuit testing by contacting base, col
lector and emitter simultaneously with a single
probe. This is very convenient for testing transistors
mounted on circuit boards.
Range ............. 0-100 volts DC peak @ 100
mA maximum.
Polarity ............ NPN (N-Chan) or PNP (P
Current Limiting .... Automatic at approximately
130% of full scale for each
vertical attenuator range.
Current Ranges ..... l/2/5/10/20/50 µ.A and
(11 total)
.lj.2/.5/1/2 mA per step,
± 3% constant-current steps.
Voltage Ranges ...... 05/.1/.2/.5/1 volts per step,
(5 total)
± 4 % ; Source resistance:
Number of Steps . .. . 6, Continuous Display.
Steps Per Second .... 120
Step Polarity ....... Same as Collector sweep
(NPN or PNP); Inverted in
VOLTS/STEP positions.
Source .............
.05 to 5 volts p-p,
Attenuator Range ... 1/2/5/10 mA per division
Sockets ........
.... Two T0-5 type transistor
sockets (right and left) with
each pin (3 per socket) par
alleled by a banana jack for
external cables. Slide switch
selects right or left socket.
Output Terminals ... Banana jacks for vertical,
horizontal, ground outputs to
Accessories ........ Cables to scope; mylar lOxlO
division graticule; instruction
manual; FP-5 probe.
Power Requirements .105-125 VAC, 50/60 Hz; sup
plied with 3-wire
line cord.
D) .....
10" x 9½"
Weight ............ 6 lbs.