[email protected]
+372 880 78 78
Roaming options
The tracking device “BI-530C TREK” is able to operate in two
modes: in the home network mode and in the operating mode with a
predetermined list of authorized operators. Operation mode is set with ID
0917 parameter.
In the home network mode (ID 0917 = 0), the device makes
attempts to register in a home network of installed SIM-card.
List of authorized operators is not used.
Operating with a predetermined list of operators (ID 0917 = 1), the
device checks the list of approved operators.
If the list is empty, the device acts like in a mode of operation in a
home network. If the list is not empty, the device scans for available
networks. If there are any networks, included in the list of authorized
ones, the device makes an attempt to register in one of the authorized
networks. After successful registration, the device will be connected to
the selected network until it is available. At the loss of network signal the
process will be repeated. If the device does not detect the allowed
networks enabled in the list, or it is not able to register within the
network, device module will go to sleep mode within a certain timeout,
after which the process will be repeated.
Configuring the device for working with the RFID reader
by RCS SOVA protocol on RS-485 bus
“BI-530C TREK” tracking device enables work with RFID reader
using RCS SOVA protocol via RS-485 bus.
By default, the device is programmed to poll RFID reader at the 9
address. To correctly configure the reader, please first familiarize with
the device technical documentation.
To transfer the number of approached card to the server, configure
I/O element of RFID Ekey (see
), and set for RFID Ena
) the appropriate value.
In addition to the transmission of card number, there is an ability
to manage the discrete output Out 1 depending on the approached cards.
For this purpose, the device has the ability to store in the nonvolatile
memory up to 20 card numbers. If the number of the approached card
coincides with the number of one of the cards stored in the memory, the
device activates the discrete output. ID 0920 – 0939 are used for the
storage of valid card numbers (
Line with electronic card value shall contain exactly 10 characters –
numbers 0-9 or uppercase A-F. Each pair of symbols encodes one byte in
ASCII representation. The lowest byte of the electronic card is recorded
first, and so on in ascending order. In the pair of characters, the first
character is the senior, the second is the younger half-byte.