Model Description
The Bioscience, Inc. Ampulmatic
-10 Liquid Filler accessory is designed to inject a precise
amount of liquid into an ampule in conjunction with the Purge Gas Injector accessory and the
Ampulmatic-10 base unit. The Purge Gas Injector accessory is used to move a plunger head into
each ampule prior to sealing, while the Liquid Filler accessory injects fluid through the plunger
head into each ampule. The Liquid Filler accessory is designed to inject volumes between <1ml
and 20ml into each ampule within the cycle time required to flame seal the ampule.
It was designed with a chemically-inert fluid path to accommodate the injection of a wide range
of chemicals. The Ampulmatic-10 ampule sealer and its accessories were designed to withstand
non-corrosive chemicals commonly found in lab environments. The cases are designed to protect
interior components from chemical leakage or spillage.
The Liquid Filler accessory can be easily added onto any Ampulmatic-10 base unit with the Purge
Gas Injector accessory.
Ampule Sealer
Purge Gas Injector
Liquid Filler