Selecta: User Manual_______________
Every textual element that can be modified in the archives (e.g. lot names and the button custom
texts, plu names and so on) can be entered selecting a different language from the current set
language for the interface.
Thus, whenever it is possible to enter a text, the relevant window shows two additional buttons
select the language
concerning such text
), and to add to the text possible
symbols which are not in the keyboard (
), picking them from a special dropdown field.
It is not possible to enter textual elements identifying also the element of the
bound archive (e.g. plu names, traceability lots, and so on) in different languages
which are made of the same sequence of ASCII characters. So, for example, if in
the PLU archive there is a plu in Greek which code is “αβδ” (ascii characters 225
226 228 shown according to the Greek alphabet), it is not possible to enter a plu in
Italian which code is “áâä” (ascii characters 225 226 228 shown according to the
Italian alphabet).This is important food for thought for the alphabets (Greek and
Cyrillic) which, with ASCII characters above 128 describe the whole of proper
Calibrating the Touch Screen
To have the touch screen work properly, it may be necessary to carry the calibration
procedure out. To activate such procedure, keep the touch screen pressed during the
starting procedure, until the calibration screen appears. In the top left corner of this
screen, there is a cross; keep something rounded pressed in the centre of the cross
until it moves to the top right corner and so on in the bottom right corner and eventually
in the bottom left corner. At the end of the calibrating procedure, the screen turns light
blue and writes "TOUCH CALIBRATED", then the system regularly restart the booting
Displaying the Firmware Version
The page of the contextual functions always comes with the “SW Ver.” button, to
display a window where all the versions of the firmware being executed onboard
machine are gathered.
Online Help
The page of the contextual functions always comes with the “HELP” button, to
display a window with a description of the currently displayed page.
Criteria to Access Data (Operative Levels)
Operative levels are different access levels to the instrument. They go from
0 to 6 and are characterized by a different visibility of function buttons and
archive fields.
They have been designed to protect the company from parameter
modifications which could damage the correctness of operations.
Levels can be selected pressing some buttons always displayed in the
contextual window.
Each level is password protected upon pressing the relevant button.