800-777-0258 • +1-541-687-0487
15. Lay Bike In Case
With the bike folded, place
the bike into the case, letting
the handlebars hang out of
the case. Note the orienta-
tion: the mono-tube and seat
mast are along the rear of the
case, fork on the left side, rear
wheel on top, drive train fac-
ing down and the left crank
arm pointing up in the 12 o’clock position. Place a crush protector
cap in the bottom middle of the case at this point.
Fig. 15 Bike orientation in case.
17. Trailer Axle Bag
Place the shorter yellow
trailer axle bag behind the
mono-tube in the bottom
of the case. You will have
to partially lift out the bike
again as you slip in the trailer
Fig. 17 Add trailer axle bag.
Packing: Place Bike in Case
16. Insert Trailer Tongue
If you purchased a
TravelTrailer with your bicy-
cle, thread the trailer tongue
in the long yellow felt sleeve
into the case. You will have
to partially lift out the bike
to accomplish this. Note that
the long section is in the bot-
tom front of the case, under
the rear wheel. The S-bend part of the trailer is pointing toward the
left rear corner of the case, and is placed on top of the mono-tube,
but under the rear wheel.
Fig. 16 Trailer tongue placement.
Trailer Tongue