800-777-0258 • +1-541-687-0487
DualDrive™ Hub
Your DualDrive hub requires little maintenance. The shielded
bearings are very durable, and the internal mechanism is highly
reliable. Periodically applying a little oil to the shifting rod is all
that is required. If you ride casually, then once a year is sufficient. If
you ride a lot more or in poor weather, then every six months will
To lubricate the rod, remove the click box and the shifting rod (see
the following directions). Lay the bike on its left side, or remove the
wheel and then lay the wheel on its left side. Dip or coat the shifting
rod in a good quality synthetic oil such as Phil Wood Tenacious Oil.
Do not over lubricate!
Let the bike or wheel lay on its side overnight. Then re-attach the
shifting rod (do not over tighten) and the click box.
Using Your Optional DualDrive Hub
For many bike travelers, the DualDrive hub offers the perfect com-
bination of wide gear ratios, simplicity, and durability.
As with a standard drive train, there is no single best shifting order
on a DualDrive equipped bicycle. Experiment and find what works
well for you. A cyclist with a standard drive train must be conscious
to avoid cross-chaining, which occurs when you shift into a small
gear in front and a small one in back, or a vice versa. Cross-chaining
can cause excessive wear on your components. Since cross-chaining
is not an issue with the DualDrive hub, any gear combination is
Other benefits include being able to shift the hub when standing
still at a stop light or the bottom of a hill. Simply shift the internal
hub to a lower gear (without even pedaling) and off you go.
The DualDrive single-sided shifter has an icon depicting uphill,
flat, and downhill terrain to identify low, middle, and high gears.
If your Bike Friday travel bicycle is equipped with different shift
levers, the left hand lever controls the internal hub. Pulling the
cable in shifts the hub to a higher gear for descending hills. For
those who are curious about the gear ratios, adjust your gear inches
for low gear by 73%, mid-range 100% (1:1), and high gear 136%.