July 2020
Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
MAN 573 Rev. 8
Figure 6
Actuator Models: RPS
When it's necessary to lift the actuator, in order to stabilize the RPS actuator during the transport in
horizontal position, it's recommendable to fix the actuator by the "stabilizing eyelets" placed on the
top of the control cabinet.
Never use the "stabilizing eyelets" to lift actuator.
Stabilizing eyelet (DON'T USE FOR LIFT)
Lifting eyelets
Lifting eyelet
Lifting eyelet
Rack and Pinion
Stabilizing eyelet (DON'T USE FOR LIFT)
If the actuator needs storage before installation, follow these steps:
Place it on a wood surface in order not to deteriorate the area of valve coupling.
Make sure that plastic plugs are present on the hydraulic and electrical connections
(if present).
Check that the protection of the control system and of the limit switch box (if any) are
properly closed.
If the storage is long-term or outdoor:
Keep the actuator protected from direct weather conditions.
Replace plastic plugs of hydraulic and electrical connections (if any) with metal plugs that
guarantee perfect tightness.
Coat with oil, grease or protection disc, the valve coupling area.
Periodically operate the actuator (Section 3.3).
Section 2: Installation