September 2021
Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
VCIOM-01249-EN Rev. 0
Set-Up Routines
Section 9: Set-Up Routines
9.1.10 Interlock
The interlock inputs can be used to inhibit the actuator movement in open or close
direction. The controls are momentary, the inhibit action continues until the relevant signal
is present. The interlock controls work when the local selector is in LOCAL or in REMOTE.
The ESD control overrides the interlock controls. The following options can be configured:
Interlock OP: active when signal is PRESENT, active when signal is ABSENT,
no action (OFF).
Interlock CL: active when signal is PRESENT, active when signal is ABSENT,
no action (OFF).
Configuration procedure
Move the local selector to OFF and then simultaneously press OPEN and STOP.
Select the language and then enter the password according to the instructions
(see entering the set-up mode). When the message displayed is “SET-UP MODE
OK?” press YES. Press YES to select the actuator set-up menu, press NO to scroll
the list of available routines and then press YES to select INTERLOCK.
Press YES if the configured value of the Open Interlock is correct
(PRESENT, ABSENT, OFF), or press NO to change it, then press YES.
Press YES if the configured value of the Close Interlock is correct
(PRESENT, ABSENT, OFF), or press NO to change it, then press YES.
2-Speed timer
The “2-speed timer” routine is used to extend the actuator travelling time in opening
and/or closing direction, by driving the motor by pulses which duration (ON and OFF time)
is configurable. Pulsing control can be applied to full travel or only a part of it.
Start position and stop position may be adjusted from 0% - 100% separately in opening
and closing direction.
ON time and OFF time may be adjusted from 1 s - 200 s separately in opening and
closing direction.
Configuration procedure
Move the local selector to OFF and then simultaneously press OPEN and STOP.
Select the language and then enter the password according to the instructions
(see “Entering the set-up mode”). When the message displayed is “SET-UP MODE
OK?” press YES. Press YES to select actuator set-up menu, press NO to scroll the
list of available routines and then press YES to select 2-speed timer.
Press YES to change close direction parameters, press NO and then YES to change
only open direction parameters.