Combined length determination by using the given contra angle and lip clip only
accurate results when using the original contra angle by Beyes supplied
• Use only endodontic NiTi files with a metal handle for this type of length determination.
In some clinical cases accurate length determination is impossible! ( for details see
chapter x “Troubleshooting”)
Electrical length determination uses minimal auxiliary current. The values used in the
ApexPilot All-In-One
are far below the values required in IEC 60601-1-1. Nevertheless,
in rare cases electrical sensation during the length determination can occur. In this
case, do not continue the treatment with this patient.
4.2.1 Modes of Root apex locator Control Endo-motor mode
There are two types of work mode related to Root Apex Locator.
Mode, Independent Endo motor, Apex locator is invalid.
Mode, Apex locator controls motor for rotations
Can be made by the
key to select one of the above work mode after power on.
Endo motor
Apex locator controls
motor for rotations
In working mode, the motor will automatically rotate, stop, reverse depends on the
length of the root canal measured by the apex locator.