Halftop – Installation Instructions
Rev. B 0912
53819 pg. 3
Check for wiring and fuel
lines before drilling holes
in riser.
Do not remove the “Z” Channel from your vehicle once
it has been installed. If this is necessary, make sure
the screw holes have been covered with a sealer.
Fold the front seats forward and locate the “Z”
Channel in the parts kit. Orient the channel so that,
when installed, the opening will be down. Place the
channel on the vertical face of the riser between
the front and rear fl oors, centered in the fl at area
in the middle of the vehicle. The top edge of the
channel should be fl ush with the top of the riser.
Use the holes in the channel as guides to mark,
center punch and drill fi ve 1/8" holes. Use silicone
sealer on the holes before installing the channel.
Install the channel using the fi ve #8 x 1" Pan Head
Screws from the parts kit.
It is easier to drill holes by either slitting the carpet with a 1/2" “X” shape to access the sheet
metal, or center punch through the carpet, remove the carpet and drill the necessary holes -
then add smaller slits in the carpet to access the holes for attachment.
If the vehicle is equipped with a factory console, it will be necessary to leave the center screw out of the
“Z” Channel Installation
Rear Floor
29 1/2" “Z”
Front Floor
Rear Floor
#8 x 1" Pan
Head Screw
Locate the Left and Right Door Surrounds, the
Front Door Surround Brackets and the Rear Door
Surround Brackets in the parts kit. The longer
brackets are the Rear Door Surround Brackets.
The hook strip on the Door Surrounds should be
toward the outside of the vehicle.
Place the holes in the Front and Rear Door Sur-
round Brackets over the two pairs of holes on each
Door Surround. Orient the brackets with the long
tab toward the inside and with the threaded rivet
up. Install the brackets using two #10 Phillips Head
Self Tapping Screws and two #10 Star Washers for
each bracket.
Assemble Door Surrounds and
Front and Rear Door Surround
#10 Phillips Head Self
Tapping Screws (apply
Loctite to the threads)
and #10 Star Washers
Front Door
Surround Bracket
Door Surround -
Driver’s Side Shown