- 12 -
V. 2.0
M10 x 1.5= 44Nm (valve cover screws)
7.2) Replacement of Membrane/piston
If it is not possible to replace the membranes in the event of breakage,
empty the water out of the carter and introduce oil or diesel in order to
preserve the internal pump organs from oxidisation (rust).
a) disassemble the pump heads one by one with a hexagonal CH12 spanner;
b) Use a fixed CH17 spanner to unscrew the membrane locking screw. Remove the
locking screw, the clearance disk and the membrane. Wash the interior, according to
the state of deterioration, with diesel;
c) When removing the piston linings, this must be effected observing their previous
positions in relation to each other and they should be removed one by one;
d) Insert the new membranes on the piston, blocking them with the appropriate tightening
screw at the prescribed calibration in order to avoid damaging the piston;
M10 x 1.25 = 25Nm (membrane tightening screw)
M12 X 1.75 = 98 Nm (Piston head screws)