Chapter 3
Step 2
Select ‘Zero’. Ensure shunt is wired as Fig.2 below, make sure the zero value is stable and not
moving, then select ‘Yes’ to confirm zero.
Step 3
When Zero is complete put wires back to the configuration in Fig.3 below.
Step 4
Apply a constant resistive load to the battery and wait 1 minute, a good example of this is lighting,
nav lights, interior lights etc. 120W to 240W should be enough to generate a reasonable current for
calibration. A bad example is anchor winch’s, invertors or motors.
Measure with a calibrated digital meter set on millivolts the voltage across the shunt. Make sure it
is stable and not declining or fluctuating, any change will cause the meter to be calibrated with an
Calculate the current to enter into the DCSM meter:
Voltage on mV meter x 9000 = Calibration current value to enter into meter.
Example: 2mV x 9000= 18A
Select ‘Actual’ and enter the correct current value (with symbols ‘-‘ for discharging or ‘+’ for
charging) and then select ‘Save’.
Make sure you ESC (escape) out of the calibration menu and when prompted to save you do so or
your calibration will be lost.
Go to Main Menu > Setup > Input(s) > ‘
Choose Current Input’
> Settings
Battery side
Load side
Measure milli volts
here only for current
Note: Shorting the
shunt out is not
acceptable for a zero
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3