For more information contact BEP | ph: +64 9 415 7261 | email: [email protected] |
Connections label
This label is located between the output connection and the bypass fuses, it gives the fi eld user or installer an indication of the connections without
the need to refer to a manual
LED fl ash code label
This label is located on the inside of the front lid of the unit, it shows
the LED codes and an instruction on how to manually bypass the
Circuit Identifi cation labels
Standard BEP circuit breaker panel labels are used to indicate the
circuit name for each output
Module Identifi cation and Dipswitch label
These labels allow easy identifi cation of each module whilst
recording the dipswitch setting. These labels are to be fi tted to the
cover and to the module (this prevents covers being swapped). To
record the module type and dipswitch settings use a permanent
marker and strike through the applicable boxes (a strike through
on a dipswitch box indicates that switch is on).