25 Photo & Video Playback
Viewing Photos/Videos on the LCD Screen
Viewing Photos/Videos on the LCD Screen
To view your photos and video files on the LCD screen:
1. Press the Playback button
. The most recent photo or video clip is displayed.
2. Use the Right/Left navigation buttons to scroll through photos and video clips.
3. Press the
button to begin playback of a video clip.
4. Press the Left/Right navigation buttons at any time during playback to skip to the previ-
ous/next photo or video.
5. Press the
button and press the Left/Right navigation buttons to fast-rewind/fast-for-
ward during video playback.
6. Press the
button at any time during playback to pause the video.
7. After the video clip finishes playing, the LCD screen displays the first frame of the clip.
Viewing M-Burst Photos
To view your multi-burst photos on the LCD screen:
1. Press the Playback button
. The most recent photo or video clip is displayed.
2. Press the
button first, then use the Right/Left navigation buttons to scroll through
3. When reviewing a multi-burst image, it will be displayed from the 1
frame to the 16
frame at 2 frames/per second like a slideshow.
4. To stop the M-Burst slideshow, press the Left/Right navigation buttons and skip to the
previous/next image.
Listening to Voice Memo
A voice memo plays simultaneously when playing a saved image with voice memo.
To stop a voice memo while reviewing an image, press the
To skip to previous/next image, press the Left/Right navigation buttons.