10/ 2010
1. Introduction
The purpose of this handbook is to better acquaint the reader with the chal-
lenges of illumination measurements.
In the first part of the book the standards and regulations in this field are
In the second part basics of light measurements are introduced in a simple man-
ner. The most important definitions and terminology are applied, including some
illustrative pictures which help to better understand the topics.
The third and last part presents the measurement methodology. Many useful
hints are given in order to perform fast and accurate measurements.
One table of most frequently used illuminance limits are added at the end of
this handbook.
The illuminance probe BENNING Luxmeter type B is designed for measure-
ments in conjunction with the installation tester BENNING IT 120 B. Please
notice also the operating manual of the BENNING IT 120 B.
It has to be stressed that all BENNING illuminance probes and testers are
designed to perform light measurements in a fast and accurate manner.
The BENNING Luxmeter type B is precisely V (
) adapted and cosine corrected
and it is in complete compliance with the DIN 5032/7 Class B (Luxmeter Type
B) accuracy regulations. The instrument can perform spot or long term measure-
ments and have recording facilities. All important data (max, min, avg) can be
stored, recalled or compared with preseted limits. Powerful PC SW packages
enable further analysis of test data and their documentation.
Our address:
Benning Elektrotechnik & Elektronik GmbH & Co. KG
Münsterstraße 135 - 137
D - 46397 Bocholt
Phone: +49 (0) 2871 - 93 -
0 • Fax: +49 (0) 2871
- 93 - 429
www.benning.de • E-Mail: [email protected]
(The authors would appreciate any comment or additional suggestion which
would help us supplement the handbook and BENNING‘s products).