Reference Manual
Power Analyzer EMM5
Rev. 11
Example of use:
This sample alarm setting is used to signal the total energy flow direction to an external device by use of two alarm
relays. The following specifications have to be met:
Relay 1 signals energy import, relay 2 signals energy export. The relays may not be closed at the same time; a
delay of up to 1 second at switchover point is suitable.
The measurement needs to have a “dead area” around P=0. In the range [20W export; 20W import] none of
the relays should be closed to prevent spurious switching at zero.
To accomplish these needs, the following set-up can be used:
Define the following alarm: ALARM=01, SOURCE=P-sum, TRIGGER=VAL>LIMIT;
LIMIT=+20.00W, T-ON=01,000sec, T-OFF=00,500sec, OUTPUT=1
Define the following alarm: ALARM=02, SOURCE=P-sum, TRIGGER=VAL<LIMIT;
LIMIT=-20.00W, T-ON=01,000sec, T-OFF=00,500sec, OUTPUT=2
This will have the following effects:
Relay 1 will close if P-sum > +20W, relay 2 will close when P-sum < -20W. This setting contains the dead zone
The on-delay of 1sec and off-delay of 0.5 sec for both relays prohibits them from being closed at the same time.
After change of sign, the old (to be switched off) relay will wait for 0,5 seconds before turning off, while the
new (to be turned on) relay will wait 1 second until it closes. Because both delay times start at the same
moment, the new relay will close 0,5 sec after the old relay opened.
The delay set-up provides some security against spurious relay switches, because every change in power flow
direction has to persist for at least 0,5sec and has to /- 20W to cause a relay to close.
Tariff Setup (optional)
This menu item is visibly only when the unit is equipped with the optional data logger (option –DM). The switch over
can be made by time or digital input. Switch over via time requires the start and end time for tariff 2. If the tariff
switch over shall be in sync on multiple devices, this can done using the digital input. For the digital input can be
determined whether the signal is high or low switched.