Reference Manual
Power Analyzer EMM5
Rev. 11
odd harmonics on the left side, even harmonics on the right. The numbers before the harmonic value gives the order of
the harmonic (01 = fundamental wave).
Left key (“M”) switches back to main menu
” - key scrolls the list of harmonics down to the harmonics of higher order
” - key scrolls the list back to the top (lower harmonics)
Right key (“
”) switches between the seven data sources (4 currents and 3 voltages)
If the harmonic display quotes "NOT AVAILABLE", the current or voltage, which sources the harmonic
calculation is below a certain limit or even not present. This makes the FFT calculation of the harmonics
very inaccurate or impossible.
The contents of the harmonic menu occupy a great amount of memory in the device, so no minimum / maximum values
are stored for the harmonics. Single harmonics, as displayed in this menu, cannot be the source of alarms. Harmonic
alarms should use the THD as source, which contains information of all harmonics of one source in one single value.
This submenu contains the work accumulators. These accumulators count certain amounts of electrical energy given by
the elapsed time of the powers.
The work counters are programmed to integrate the powers for L1, L2, L3 and power sum in a separate accumulator
each. They are further divided:
Active work is accumulated separately for import and export energy flow direction
Reactive work is accumulated separately for inductive and capacitive reactive power
The display can show one of four different pages, which are: WP-IMP, WP-EXP, WQ-IND, WQ-CAP. Each page contains
four work counters for L1, L2, L3 and sum(L1+L2+L3). For the counting of two tariffs, have devices with integrated data
logger (option –DM) additional counters.
These are also divided among four pages (WP-IMP-2, WP-EXP-2, WQ-IND-2 and WQ-KAP-2) and include also for counters
for L1, L2, L3 and sum (L1+L2+L3).
Left key (“M”) switches back to main menu
Right key (“
”) switches between the four different work accumulator pages