Card Access System
Isolated Lock Relay Contact
An isolated relay contact has been provided to interface with non-standard locks
and other devices. The load must not be rated above 1A AC or DC. Inductive
loads must have separate suppression for EMI.
Alternatively the contact can be used to trigger or interface with other equipment;
for example, to switch on a surveillance camera, trigger a carpark gate, or give
an audible indication.
Card Access System
High Current Lock Releases
For a lock release or magnetic lock rated higher than 0.5A an additional power
supply will be required. Above 1A a relay must be used to interface with the
CR500 Control unit. For locks in the range 0.5 -1A refer to the previous section.
The relay contacts or the lock-release must be fitted with a suitable suppression
device to prevent voltage transient and electromagnetic interference being
generated by the coil of the lock release (refer to the manufacturer for further
Consideration should be given to the problem of a voltage drop at the lock
release. Please refer to the manufacturer of the particular lock release for
information on suitable cable length versus thickness and power supply rating.
High Current Lock Release