TLX Matrix Switch Interfaces
Rev. H
Jan. 2019
Service Request (LOS) Signaling
TLX Matrix Switches have an optional mode that can broadcast a message over the network
when a remote receiver requests attention. When enabled, the receiver will toggle its TX pin,
causing an LOS (loss of signal) event to occur at the switch. When detected, the switch
broadcasts an 'Attention Request' message over the network. This message contains the IP
address of the switch and the port number that detected the request. It is left up to an external
system to detect, decode and act upon this request. This process is controlled by the program
– Attention Request (UDP)
32-bits, switch's primary IP address
16-bits, 0 for the Upper (only) switch chassis
16-bits, port number (list starts from 1, not 0)
16-bits, key code in bits 0
– 7, 0x00 and 0xff are ignored
c0 a8 0d 19 00 00 00 06 00 55
IP address =
Chassis = 0
Port number = 6
key code 85, 0x55
The switch can be monitored via SNMP (
Simple Network Management Protocol)
. The MIB
Management Information Base)
definition files are located on the switch in the directory
The SNMP program may be configured by modifying the file
Configuring SNMP is beyond the scope of this document, but
many excellent sites on the web exist that explain configuration. One such site is:
There are a few entries in the SNMP configuration file that you may want to modify:
Text to aid in locating the unit
Name/Phone/email address of a contact
IP address/name of a system to receive SNMP traps
The default name used is
' and is listed in
as pointing to
The easiest method to set the trap address is to modify the
entry and not change
the trap2sink setting in the configuration file.
Management Information Base
– Used in conjunction with SNMP, an MIB is a database
definition used to define management entities on a network. The MIB file is written using a
subset of
defined in RFC 2578. While readable by users, it is
typically compiled into a network management software package.
Содержание thinklogical TLX160
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