Belanger®, Inc. *PO BOX 5470 *Northville, MI 48167-5470 * Ph (248) 349-7010 * Fax (248) 380-9681
Initial Startup Procedures
Install Spray Nozzles & Verify Proper Function of Top Assembly and Airis®
10) The H2AIR® Arch has several functions that must be activated as a vehicle approaches the arch.
Program the H2AIR® Arch so that when the front bumper of a vehicle is about 2 feet from the
H2AIR® Arch the following functions start simultaneously:
Turn on Water for the Top and Leg Manifolds
Turn on Air Cannon
™ DryLite™ Dryers
Activate the Airis® 4-way valve to open the Airis® Assemblies
Turn on the LED Lights in the Leg Assemblies, Top Manifolds and Dryer Housings
11) Run a test wash on a vehicle to confirm the H2AIR® Arch is operating as desired and make
adjustments as necessary.
It is recommeded that the Airis® Assemblies open as quick as possible after the dryers turn on.
Use the Flow Control on the Extend Ports of the Airis® Cylinders to increase the speed at
which the Airis® Assemblies open.