IECEx certification
A2.0 The IECEx Certification Scheme
IECEx is a global certification scheme for explosion
protected products which aims to harmonise
international certification standards.
For additional information about the IECEx
certification scheme and to view the BEKA associate
certificates, please visit www.iecex.com
A2.1 IECEx Certificate of Conformity
The BA474ND Indicating Temperature Transmitter
has been issued with an IECEx Certificate of
Conformity number IECEx ITS 09.0007 that specifies
the following certification codes and marking:
Ex nA nL [ia] IIC T5
Ex tD [iaD] A22 IP66 T80
Ta = -20
C to 60
Although the terminology is slightly different, the
IECEx gas and dust certification of the transmitter are
identical to the ATEX certifications described in the
main section and in Appendix 1 of this instruction
Like the ATEX certificate, the IECEx certificate states
that in addition to Ex nL, nA and Ex tD certification,
the BA474ND Indicating Temperature Transmitter,
‘incorporates a galvanically isolated intrinsically safe
input that permits direct connection to measuring
elements in any gas or dust hazardous Zone.’
This is
the sensor input, terminals 1, 2, 3 & 4, which is
certified as Ex [ia] IIC T5 for gas and Ex [iaD] for
The IECEx and ATEX certificates refer to the same
standards and both specify the same safety
parameters for the transmitter. For IECEx
installations in explosive gas atmospheres please
refer to the main sections of this manual, for IECEx
installations in combustible dust atmospheres please
refer to Appendix 1.