The BA474ND Indicating Temperature Transmitter
may be configured and calibrated via HART
communication, or configuration may be performed
using the menu accessed via the four push buttons
located behind the instrument switch cover, see
Fig 5. When frequent adjustments are required the
transmitter can be supplied with a keypad mounted
on the outside of this cover.
Configuration and calibration via HART
may be
performed using a portable configurator connected to
the BA474ND test pillars, which are located adjacent
to terminals 5 & 6, or to any other point in the 4/20mA
loop. Alternatively, proprietary configuration software
installed on a personal computer may be used. In
addition to the configuration functions available via
the transmitter push buttons, HART
enables loop calibration and custom linearisation to
be performed, see the BA47XBA67X Indicating
Temperature Transmitter HART
Interface Guide
which may be downloaded from
7.1 Configuration menu
Throughout this manual the four BA474ND push
buttons are identified
and legends
displayed by the transmitter are shown within
inverted commas e.g. ‘CAL’ and ‘dEG’. Section
7.1.2 contains a summary of each configuration
function including a cross reference to a more
detailed description.
The functions contained in the configuration menu
vary depending upon the transmitter input selected,
see Figs 6, 7 & 8.
When the transmitter is being configured, the
transmitter 4/20mA output current is locked at the
value prior to entering the configuration menu.
When the optional alarms are fitted additional
functions are added to the configuration menu which
are described in section 10.4.
7.1.1 Access
Access to the configuration menu is obtained by
operating the
buttons simultaneously. If the
transmitter is not protected by an access code the
first parameter 'InPut’ will be displayed. If the
transmitter is protected by an access code, ‘CodE’
will be displayed first. Pressing
will allow the four
digit security code to be entered digit by digit using
button to adjust the flashing digit and
move control to the next digit. When the correct code
has been entered, pressing
will cause the first
parameter ‘InPut’ to be displayed. If an incorrect
code is entered, or no button is pressed for ten
seconds, the transmitter will automatically return to
the operating mode.
If the transmitter displays ‘LoC’ when the
buttons are operated simultaneously, the transmitter
push buttons have been locked by a HART
command, see the BA47XBA67X Indicating
Temperature Transmitter HART
Interface Guide
which may be downloaded from
7.1.2 Summary of functions
The functions that may be configured vary depending
upon the input selected.
Thermocouple and RTD inputs
The BA474ND will always display sensor
Configuration allows:
Digital display units and resolution to be selected.
Bargraph display to represent required part of the
digital displayed range.
4/20mA output current to have required input
Voltage and resistance inputs
The BA474ND can display the voltage or resistance
input in any engineering units.
Configuration allows:
Zero and span of digital display to be adjusted.
Bargraph display to represent required part of the
digital displayed range.
4/20mA output current to have required input
Each of the functions in the configuration menu is
summarised below, including a cross-reference to a
more detailed description.
Transmitter Summary
display of function
Transmitter input
ne of the following inputs:
Thermocouple ‘tHC’
3 wire RTD
4 wire RTD
Differential RTD
Voltage ‘Volt’
3 wire resistance
4 wire resistance
See section 7.2.1
The content of the configuration menu depends upon
which transmitter input is selected, see following
summary and Figs 6, 7 and 8.