9.3 Servicing
The BA378C cannot be serviced on-site. Electronic
assemblies may be exchanged between
enclosures, but sub-boards must not be inter-
changed between electronic assemblies. All
BA378C transmitter functions are easily program-
mable on-site, a single spare transmitter may
therefore be used to replace any instrument which
Suspect instruments should be returned to BEKA
associates or our agent in your area
9.4 Routine maintenance
The mechanical condition of the instrument and the
electrical calibration (see section 7.2) should be
regularly checked. The interval between inspec-
tions depends upon the environmental conditions.
We recommend that initially this is performed
9.5 Guarantee
Transmitters which fail within the guarantee period
should be returned to BEKA associates or our local
agent. It is helpful if a brief description of the fault
symptoms and a list of error messages is provided.
9.6 Customer comments
BEKA associates is always pleased to receive
comments from customers about our products and
services. All communications are acknowledged
and whenever possible, suggestions are
10.1 Scale card
The BA378C has a window on the right hand side
of the display to hold a card showing the units of
measurement e.g.
F, kg. The transmitter
can be supplied with a printed scale card showing
any units specified at time of ordering. If a printed
scale card is not requested a blank card will be
Scale cards can easily be marked on site as
Un-plug the rear terminal block(s),
disconnect the input wires and remove the
rear panel which is secured by four corner
Withdraw the transmitter assembly from
the enclosure.
Gently pull and then slide the blank scale
card towards the display window until it is
free. Mark the card with the required
legend and replace it in the slot.
Insert the transmitter assembly into the
enclosure, fit the rear panel and terminal
blocks and reconnect the input wires.
10.2 Tag strip
The BA378C can be supplied with a thermally
printed tag strip on the rear panel with any legend
containing up to 35 alphanumeric characters. This
strip is not visible from the front of the instrument
after installation.
The optional alarms provide two solid state single
pole outputs which may be independently
programmed as high or low alarms with normally
open or normally closed outputs. Fig 10 illustrates
the conditions available and shows which are fail
safe, i.e. output is in the alarm condition (open)
when the transmitter is not powered. When an
alarm is activated the indicator display alternates
between the measured value and an alarm