Copyright © 2017 TTA All Rights Reserved.
few minutes to install the driver for the first connection with a new computer)
4 Open PC GCS,select the language you need.Click the connection button,see figure 3:
1. To protect the legitimate rights and interests of users, please be sure to read our
instruction attached carefully before using product.Be sure to understand your
legitimate rights and interests, responsibilities and safety instructions; or it may cause
property damage, safety accident and hidden personal safety problem.Beijing TTA
reserves the right to update this document. Please be sure to in accordance with the
instructions and safety instructions operating this product.
2. The users use this product directly or indirectly, any violation of the law, TTA company
will not bear any responsibility.
3. This product is not suitable for under-18-year old and other who do not have full
capacity for civil conduct, please avoid these people use this product.While using this
product in public occasion please pay extra attention to operate.
4. Once you start using this product, deemed as you have read,recognized and
accepted the product specification, disclaimer and terms and conditions of all safety
instructions. It’s user's commitment to their own behavior and therefore is responsible
for all the consequences. Users promised to use this product only for legitimate
purposes, and agree to these terms and any others policies or guidelines TTA
company may develop .
5. In the process of using this product, please be sure to strictly obey the safety
instructions included in this document but not limited in it.For violations of the safety