Version: 1.1
• or directly in the System Manager if only one free task is present, see
The same settings are to be made in the Scope2 for both cases,
Recording of a PLC variable with the TwinCAT 2 – Scope2
Step 1a: TwinCAT 2 PLC
Since the channel data are to be used in the PLC, a linkable ARRAY variable must be created there, as
shown in the following example:
Fig. 153: PLC declaration
This then appears in the list in the System Manager; as a rule it can also be reached via ADS without further
measures since PLC variables are always created as ADS symbols in the background.
Fig. 154: PLC in the System Manager
Note: the Scope2 can only "see" such variables in the variable browser if TwinCAT and the PLC are in RUN
Step 1b: TwinCAT 2 - free task
So that the linking works, an array variable with the channel data must be present in the system manager;
i.e. each oversampling data package must be present in an array. This array variable must be defined and
created manually in the System Manager.
Fig. 155: Add Variable Type
An ARRAY variable of the type as known by the PLC must be created in the syntax as known from the PLC.
In this example an array of 0..9 of type INT, i.e. with 10 fields.