Navigation mode
Navigation mode
What is navigation?
The term “navigation” (lat. navigare = to
travel by sea) is generally understood to
mean the location of a vehicle, the deter-
mination of the direction and distance
from the desired destination and the
required route. As navigation aids, stars,
prominent landmarks, compass and sat-
ellites are used.
With Mexico, location is determined
with the GPS receiver (GPS =
ystem). The direction and
distance from the destination are deter-
mined using a digital road map, a navi-
gation computer and sensors. A speed-
ometer signal and a reverse signal are
additionally used to calculate the route.
For safety reasons, navigation
is pre-
dominantly in spoken form
by a direction indicator on the display.
Navigation data
The Mexico is supplied with a CF mem-
ory card. This memory card contains
a digitised road map.
Motorways, federal and regional roads, as
well as district roads are stored in the dig-
itised street map. Larger cities and com-
munities are comprehensively covered.
For smaller towns and communities, the
regional and unclassified roads or access
roads and the town centres are included.
One-way streets, pedestrian zones, turn
bans and other traffic regulations are
taken into account as far as possible.
There may be discrepancies between the
data on the memory card and the actual lo-
Safety instructions
• Road traffic regulations always take
priority. The navigation system is
only an aid. Errors may occur in indi-
vidual data items/entries. At all times,
the driver must decide whether or not
to heed the information provided.
We do not accept liability for errone-
ous data provided by the navigation
• Observation of traffic signs and local
traffic regulations must always take
• Traffic guidance is restricted to pas-
senger vehicles only. Special driving
recommendations and regulations for
other vehicles (e.g. commercial vehi-
cles) are not included.
• Destinations may only be entered
when the vehicle is stationary.
The navigation function of the Mexico
only functions with an original memory
card supplied by Harman/Becker.
The supplied memory card must not be
formatted under any circumstances.
The memory card with the navigation
data is copy-protected. If you change
the data on the card in any way, the
Mexico will no longer accept this mem-
ory card.