3. Configuration
3.1. Login
3.1.1. Power-On Self-Testing
The power-on self-testing is running immediately after the switch system is
powered up. The self-testing program diagnoses the hardware components of
a switch system. After hardware tests are all passed, the system will detect
and display the module slot status and start the initializations. The system will
be in ready state while the prompt is showing up.
3.1.2. Console Login
When you connect to the switch with a terminal emulation program, refer to the
information of: Baurate (bits/sec) 115200; Data Bits 8
Parity Check none ;Stop
Bits 1. Type “cli” if you want to log in the configuration of the switch .Enter a
user name and password to login to access the switch. The default user name
is “admin” and the password is empty.
3.1.3. Login with a Web Browser
When you connect to the switch through a web browser, a login screen is
displayed. Enter a user name and password to login to access the switch.