1.3.Why doesn’t the CyberQ Wifi show up in my list of DHCP clients on my router?
Check to make sure that your router supports wireless b devices and that b is turned on.
Check to make sure that the CyberQ WiFi is set to infrastructure mode and that the SSID, Key,
and Encryption type all match your router.
1.4.My router shows the CyberQ WiFi in the client list, but I cannot access the CyberQ WiFi from a
computer on the same LAN?
Reset the router and when it comes up, reset the CyberQ WiFi.
Try Updating your router firmware.
Contact your router manufacturer.
Try a different router.
1.5.Why cant I send emails from the CyberQ WiFi?
The CyberQ WiFi Must first be connected successfully to a router in infrastructure mode so that it has
network / internet access. Secondly the CyberQ WiFi only supports non SSL SMTP email servers. For
other providers, do a Google search on “non SSL email” providers. This is a common issue encountered
by users of IP web cams, so searching forums related to web cams can also be helpful.
1.6.What email servers do not require SSL?
Here are a couple of examples:
SMTP Hostname: mail.gmx.com
SMTP TCP Port: 587 (this varies)
SMTP Authentication Username: [email protected]
SMTP Authentication Password: mypassword
Email Recipient: [email protected]
Email From: [email protected]
Email Subject: Whatever you want