1.12.Why is Ramp Mode Causing the Pit Temperature To go Up Instead of Down?
This has been a source of confusion for users mainly because it is not explained well. We have a fix that
will be released in V0.9 that will prevent what you are seeing. The ramp mode is designed to start with
a pit setpoint temperature that is roughly 100 deg higher than the food set temperature. When the
food temperature gets to within 30 degrees of the food setpoint, for the algorithm math to work it
raises the setpoint slightly. It should not overcook the food though.
See a customer supplied Data below, it is actually doing exactly what it is designed to do (the food came
up to temp perfectly):
Actual Temps
Pit: 245 Food1: 164
Pit: 249 Food1: 170
Pit: 242 Food1: 175
Pit: 235 Food1: 180
Pit: 227 Food1: 185
Pit: 220 Food1: 190
Note that the pit ended up at 30 deg above the food. The 30 deg is intentional to compensate for
evaporative losses. If the pit is set to the food temp, the food will end up below its target due to the
aforementioned loses. The ramp is designed to bring the food to its target and hold it there.
The new firmware will include a condition that prevents the pit from increasing in temperature to avoid
confusion on the part of the user.