2004 -
Care must be taken when installing this accessory to ensure damage does not occur to the vehicle. The installation of this
accessory should follow approved guidelines to ensure a quality installation.
These guidelines can be found in the "Accessory Installation Practices" document.
This document covers such items as:-
Vehicle Protection (use of covers and blankets, cleaning chemicals, etc.).
Safety (eye protection, rechecking torque procedure, etc.).
Vehicle Disassembly/Reassembly (panel removal, part storage, etc.).
Electrical Component Disassembly/Reassembly (battery disconnection, connector removal, etc.).
Please see your Toyota dealer for a copy of this document.
Pre-installation Precautions
Use Seat & Floor Protectors and Fender
Covers/Blankets to avoid damage to surfaces.
Operator Safety Warning (if applicable.)
Negative Battery Cable
Place all removed parts on a protective
Battery Disconnect
Remove the NEGATIVE (-) battery terminal
using a 10mm socket before any disassembly
starts. (Fig. 2a).
Disassemble Center Instrument Panel (IP)
Starting with the center portion of the center
IP, pull out the three (3) ventilation control
knobs. (Fig. 3a)
Using the #2 Philips Screwdriver, remove the
3 screws behind the left, right & center
climate control knobs. (Fig. 3b)
Push in the top section of both center vents to
expose the screw behind each of the vents.
Using the #2 Philips Screwdriver, remove
the 2 screws behind the vents. (Fig. 3c)
Remove the center IP
Carefully disconnect the connectors
located behind the center IP. (Fig. 3d)
An NRT may be used to remove difficult
connectors from center IP.
Fig. 2a
10 mm Socket
Fig. 3a
Fig. 3b
Fig. 3d
Fig. 3e
Page 2 of 12 pages
Issue: A 12/15/04