takes place as soon as a telegram arrives. You can configure the telegrams with the <Com Port
Console> in the <Temperature and Precipitation Sensor Settings> in the precipitation sensors.
Please note the following differences between the sensors from ThiesClima (5.4110.X0.XXX)
and the Biral SWS-250 sensor:
ThiesClima (5.4110.X0.XXX):
The telegram data also contains the values of the optional
additional meteorological sensors connected to the sensor. The telegram type and the
time interval in which the Laser Precipitation Sensor transmits can be set with the <Com
Port Console> in the <Temperature and Precipitation Sensor Settings>. The telegram type
8/9 and a time interval of one minute are recommended.
Biral SWS-250:
This sensor does not offer different telegram types. However, please note
that data telegrams must always be sent without a preceding date and time stamp. The
date and time setting and the time interval at which the precipitation sensor transmits can
be set using the <Com Port Console>. A time interval of one minute is recommended. (Data
telegrams without a preceding date and time stamp, as well as a time interval of one
minute correspond to the default settings of the SWS-250 sensor).
When using the precipitation sensor SWS-250 from Biral, additionally the file
"wmocodelog.txt" is written in the monitoring directory when monitoring is started. The last
WMO code received (WMO Table 4680) and the precipitation value in mm/h averaged in the
last 10-minute interval are stored in this file every 10 minutes. The specified time stamp always
refers to the beginning of the 10-minute averaging interval.
Message Bar
Latest messages are shown in the message bar.