Pixel Formats
Basler dart BCON
10.2 Details on Pixel Formats for Color
YCbCr422 Format
All dart BCON color cameras can output color images based on pixel data in YCbCr422 format. This
is the default pixel format.
When a color camera is set for this format, each pixel value in the captured image goes through a
two step conversion process as it exits the sensor and passes through the camera’s electronics.
This process yields Y, Cb, and Cr color information for each pixel.
In the first step of the process, a demosaicing algorithm is performed to get RGB data for each pixel.
This is required because color cameras with a Bayer filter on the sensor gather only one color of
light for each individual pixel.
The second step of the process is to convert the RGB information to the YCbCr color model. The
conversion algorithm uses the following formulas:
Y = 0.299 R + 0.587 G + 0.114 B
Cb = - 0.16874 R - 0.33126 G + 0.5000 B + 128
Cr = 0.5000 R - 0.41869 G - 0.08131 B + 128
After conversion to the YCbCr color model is complete, the pixel data is transmitted out of the
Bayer Formats
All dart BCON color cameras can output color images based on the pixel formats Bayer 8 and
Bayer 12.
When a color camera is set for one of these Bayer pixel formats, it outputs 8 or 12 bits of data per
pixel. For each pixel covered with a red, green, or blue filter, you get 8 or 12 bits of red, green, or
blue data. This type of pixel data is sometimes referred to as "raw" output.
For more information about
the Bayer filter, see Section 11.6.1 on
the Balance White feature, see Section 11.6.3 on
By default, when the pixel format is set to YCbCr422 or RGB 8, images are
acquired in sRGB color space.
You can use the BslColorSpaceMode parameter to change the color space to
RGB. For more information, see Section 11.4 on