Basler dart BCON
11.6 Color Enhancement Features
General Considerations
The sensors in the color versions of the Basler dart BCON cameras are equipped with an additive
color separation filter known as a Bayer filter. The pixel formats available on color cameras for pixel
data output are related to the Bayer pattern.
With the Bayer filter, each individual pixel is covered by a part of the filter that allows light of only
one color to strike the pixel. The pattern of the Bayer filter used on the camera
is as shown in
As the figure illustrates, within each square of four pixels, one pixel sees only red light, one sees
only blue light, and two pixels see only green light. This combination mimics the human eye’s
sensitivity to color.
Bayer GB alignment, for example, means that pixel one and pixel two of the first line in each image
transmitted will be green and blue respectively. And for the second line transmitted, pixel one and
pixel two will be red and green respectively. Since the pattern of the Bayer filter is repetitive, you
can use this information to determine the color of all of the other pixels in the image.
Fig. 43: Bayer Filter Pattern with "GB" Alignment