Page 52 of 82 OM0408/49
16. MS2W Water Jacketed Sensor
Figure 19. MS2W water jacketed sensor.
Key to Figure 19
1. TNC axial cable connector
2. Water in
3. Water out
4. Sample cavity
The MS2W has a 30mm internal diameter sample cavity. The highly stable sensing coil and the
precision oscillator electronics within the sensor enclosure are cooled by a flow of cold water
which completely screens the sensor from extremes of temperature occurring within the sample
cavity. The special circuitry compensates for small changes in temperature arising from the
influence of the furnace or changes in the cooling water temperature.
The glass cavity is 65mm high x 30mm internal diameter and is painted on the outer surfaces
with a special reflecting paint. The sensor can be mounted on a retort stand in any position, but
will be vertically orientated when used in conjunction with the furnace. The probe is calibrated to
accept a 10cc sample. The operating frequency of 696Hz is chosen to be sufficiently low so that
measurements are essentially independent of sample conductivity.
For low temperature measurements the maximum sample diameter of 25mm can be used, in
which case it is usual to cool the sample in liquid nitrogen (-196
C) and insert it within the cavity,
and record susceptibility changes as the sample recovers to room temperature.
The MS2W sensor glass tube may be damaged if a tightly fitting sample is
inserted. When making low temperature measurements, use only the recommended
sample size and, if other components or objects are to be placed within the cavity, ensure
that they will not expand on recovery to room temperature and damage the glass.
Catastrophic damage will occur if the MS2W sensor is exposed to temperatures
above the ambient temperature without the recommended water flow. The MS2W sensor